New British Painting
John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, 2004
New British Painting
Artists: Diann Bauer, Juan Bolivar, Pearl Hsiung, Marta Marcé, Andrea Medjesi-Jones, Katie Pratt, Danny Rolph, Miho Sato, Hans Scheirl, Claire Woods
This publication includes the work of ten artists currently working in Britain, whose works were shown in a two-part series of exhibitions, celebrating contemporary painting by presenting a snapshot of current practice amongst a generation of artists. The exhibitions themselves open up areas of practice between figurative and non-figurative imagery.
Some works incorporate external references into an abstract format, and others encompass figuration, but through reference to schematic imagery and graphic design. Each of the ten artists has been written about by a different contributor and there is an extended text by Jon Thompson. Brief biographies for each of the artists are also included.
Publisher John Hansard Gallery
ISBN 9780854328031
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